John Bastion

Will there be an appearance from the Good One Robot?

To be honest, I'm still not even sure what it was about it that didn't click with me. Still not a bad episode, I just think the rest of the episodes were even better.

Fuck yeah! I can't wait to give this a spin. Going to see them play in September!

Overall there were a lot of good jokes, but this might have been my least favorite episode so far. No episode that has Ron Funches as a chicken farming chicken farmer is really a bad episode though. The Drew Barrymore incident (which is this season's sneezing on Marissa Tomei) had such a bizarre payoff and I love it.

"who’s deciding which eggs to pump with hormones"

Guess that means it's time for my lunchtime dump to commence as well.


Thanks! I'll try it out.

I guess this would be a good place to ask if anyone has any recommendations on specific comic reading apps (for Android mostly, but I'll take all answers). I've been looking to get one but it seems like there are a lot to sort through.

You couldn't be more right.

But Conan is on TBS, I like that guy!

And crackers please!

You beat me to it!

I've heard that too and while I don't seem to have a HUGE problem with it, sometimes I wonder if it is the cause when I do have problems falling asleep. From what I remember it has something to do with the blue light that's coming from the devices. There are programs that can adjust color warmth depending on the time

My God… @BinkyGentil:disqus has gone mad with power!

Nobody gets away with telling ME to put my cynicism to one side! I'll fight anyone that does!

Are you the man (or being) in the moon?!

When the fire is burning own Disneyland the lemur on fire from season 1 who runs through Bojack's wall is running around on fire in the background! Small details like this are why I just love this show.

Awwwww, I knew there was still some good left in this world!

Can Superman out run the Flash?!