John Bastion

And some are sequels to adaptations of attractions!

Lets count Disney articles that don't include the word "remake"!

He hadn't even read it either! But I guess you're right, people are the worst.

I have fallen asleep during 2 of the 4 I've watched so far. And as a general rule it's VERY hard for me to fall asleep when I'm trying to watch something.

I got called a judgmental asshole this weekend for making a joke about this book not being very good. To be fair I haven't read it, nor do I plan on reading it, but whatever.

That episode was so great! That's all I've been thinking of reading the comments here that mention Salinger.


Last time I saw them I had a nice buzz going which was the perfect level to just chill out and enjoy the show. I would occasionally break from my trance of enjoying the show to realize I had a big dumb grin on my face pretty much the entire time. Fun stuff.

Agreed, I thought that was a really nice moment and made me like Wanda's character that much more.

Before I leave the stage I would like to say hello to my fans, I would like to say hello to my family, I would like to say hello to my children, I would like to say hello to Scott…etc

Take the hint!

Come to think of it, due to all his radiated sperm they could just be his children we haven't heard about.

Have to agree with @disqus_ArJP0tUYfc:disqus, you've been on fire with the comments today MPR!

How else are we supposed to set up the Pegg Cinematic Universe?

On Her Mendes' Secret Service

"It’s really about American Indians being good to my character"

That makes me….worried. Maybe he misspoke? Please let it be that.

I'm back in black! (Because Orange is the New Black and I'm wearing my prison jumpsuit)

Yeezus Christ Superstar

Most people agree that the show really starts picking up around the middle of the season as the world kind of expands and you get to know the characters better. I still enjoy the first half, but the second half is where it really kicks off and where the show wows you. The second season has gotten better in my opinion.