John Bastion

I think he just did.

This makes up for the kind of shitty day I've been having.

A lot of companies seem to update UI just for the sake of updating it without really adding anything substantial or beneficial to the product. Gotta keep the designers busy I guess.

I just updated my player today (which I rarely do) so this is the first I;ve seen of it. I haven't experienced the problem you're having yet though *crosses fingers*

Meh, the social stuff doesn't really matter to me at all. It kind of seems pointless. I already know my friends have shitty taste in music.

Good. She needs to know her actions have consequences.

The green is a weird electric mint green color now.

Dear Mr. President,

I was going to say "About damn time!" then I realized it wasn't talking about HBO GO and I already have HBO Go on my phone….

It's not the best, but it gets the job done for me at least. I have no experience with Google Play, but the upload feature does seem really nice.

I'm listening to it right now, and I'm enjoying it more than I was at the time. It does some interesting things, but it is completely different from anything else they've done really. I was hoping for more of a Plastic Beach B-Sides thing at the time so that probably affected my opinion. Or I was just an idiot back

Can we discuss a bigger issue? They changed the color of Spotify and it's really gross!

Fuck yes! And it sounds like a new single might drop tomorrow too! They're last album was my top album of 2013. I spun that thing in to the ground. Can't wait!

That's kind of what I saw it as. Maybe I'll give it another listen now that I know what to expect, but when I first heard it I remember thinking once was enough.

How does he keep up with the Kardashians like that?

Are we counting The Fall as a real album?

What!? I haven't even heard of that place. Thanks for the tip!

The A.V. Club

It made me really happy to see this here as well. I haven't heard this album in forever but it is definitely my favorite of theirs. I also really liked Brain Thrust Mastery when it came out (After Hours has a big emotional component to me still) I haven't been crazy about their more recent stuff, but I can't say I've

!!! I was not aware this existed!