John Bastion

Just looked it up and Fox has the episodes streaming on their website. I'll check it out!

I played Fallout Shelter a bit. I don't have an iPhone anymore, but I booted up my old one that was just BARELY able to play it. It would crash almost every time I played but I was able to get some good play time in. I think it is pretty fun overall, and you can play without spending any money which is nice. When it

something something before cool

I'm sorry sir, but that sort of positive interaction is in violation of AVC Code 296 Sec VII. I'm going to have to write you up a citation.


That's awesome! Congrats!


Disappointing to hear about Acceptance. I'll most likely finish the series, it's interesting enough to keep me going. Plus I already have all the books so it would be dumb not to.

Maybe YOU'RE going to die, but not me. I'm going to live forever!

I finished Oracle of Ages a little while ago which was really fun, and I'm stuck somewhere in Oracle of Seasons right now. I haven't played Link's Awakening yet, but I hear a lot of good things about it.

I started Authority a while back, but took a break. I want to get back in to it but it isn't grabbing me like Annihilation did but I'm still not TOO far in to it so that may change. Loved Annihilation though.

The bosses are great! I remember really enjoying the game as a whole despite some of the finicky controls and the damn pop up menus. One day I'll probably play through it again and beat it. I'm still on a mission to play and beat all the Zelda games (minus CD-i type garbage) so those take priority over replays though.

I ended up liking it way more than Fallout 3. I just like the environment better and you're not forced to go down in to the fucking subway tunnels all the damn time. But the cazadores problem is ridiculous, those things were probably the cause of most of my deaths. Also the quarry filled with Deathclaws is insane. I

Ha, I love that! Using it!

Picked up Elder Scrolls Online for $15 in the GMG sale going on. I couldn't pass it up at that price. I've been enjoying it well enough, but I want to move past the starting area.

Gah! How did you beat the final boss in Skyward Sword?! I couldn't get passed him for the life of me and I had to stop playing! I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to finishing games too…

New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all time. I was thinking of trying to replay it before Fallout 4 but I doubt that I'll have the time since their are other games I should be playing.

I've been listening to Jeff The Brotherhood's Hypnotic Nights. It's really good and I enjoy a lot of the tracks, but it's kind of all over the place. Some of the songs don't really match with the album but are still good songs as a whole. I'm definitely interested to hear some of their more recent stuff now.

I second this.

"This isn't a productive area of discussion."