John Bastion

Good to know. Speaking of Batman, thanks for the heads up last week about the optional gadget and the gadget you can get early on! After a little (ok longer than I care to admit) searching I finally found them and they made my life a lot easier. Especially when getting all those damn riddler trophies!

The combat was my least favorite part, so I could see getting in to Witcher 3 easier if that is one of the big improvements. By mentioning RDR you kind of tipped the scales in Witcher 3's favor. I love that game. When are we getting another one of those?!

You're much more optimistic about starting games back up than me! If I ever take that long to hop back in to a game I've normally forgotten everything and probably have to start over from the beginning at that point which depending on how far in to the game I was can either make or break it for me.


Uh, I'd also like to express my fondness for that particular artist.

Now that I'm finished with Arkham Knight I'm trying to decide on my next big game purchase. I've been deciding between either Witcher 3 or Elder Scrolls Online. Both will probably suck up way too much of my time but I can't decide. I never really got in to Witcher 2 despite my best efforts so I'm not sure if 3 will

Everyone knows the sequel to K-9 was K-911. COME ON!

Or where he goes through his mid-life crisis and decides to transform in to a Porsche instead.

Do you leak? You will.

It's weird because I love the show and have kept up with it since series 4 but this one just kind of got away from me. Maybe this announcement is the kick in the rear I needed.

I heard last season was pretty good but never got around to watching it. Maybe I'll finally do that at some point.

Hmmm, Thomas Middleditch / Lauren Lapkus?

It's also Kid Kudi's debut as band leader! I'm very curious to see how this plays out. I have faith in Scotch Flopperman.

Ahhh! A g-g-g-g-g-g-ghost!

Well teenagers are idiots!

Oh I agree, it doesn't necessarily make it a bad song by default but it does make a lot of them start to sound pretty similar.

Date Rape by Sublime

I haven't been to the Grammy Museum, but I've been to LA Live a couple of times and it really is kind of mind blowing. What idiots decided THIS was the Album of the Year?!

Bands actually are doing that now though because it's so hard to break in to the business. They make songs that will work well for car commercials/advertisements and just ride off of that.