John Bastion

I hardly know 'er!

Watch out, he might shoot Lenny again!

Hmmm Delta you say?

Mmmmm Helen Parr….

If you can think of a better way to get to China I'd love to hear it!

That's my complaint about most modern day Disney movies.

This was always my favorite segment of Fantasia as a kid. By trying to expand the story you're gonna fuck it up! Especially with one of the writers from Dracula Untold. Disney… *shakes head*


Paul Giamatti

There's been other things that have been pretty disgusting (watching the guy rip himself out of the mural for example), but there was one moment in the face eating where you "see" Mason sawing at a flap of skin that really got me. I think it's also a case of where what you imagine makes it worse.

Well? Do you?

Wow. That's…actually better.

I just finished my rewatch of Hannibal minutes ago. And SPOILERS Mason eating his face is possibly even more gruesome than I remember. But my excitement cannot be contained to see what happens tomorrow! AH!

Hey buddy, cheer up! It could be worse. You could have no SO AND not have anything to come home to. Like me!

I mean I've only heard about these things so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but I know FOR A FACT that there were cakes and pies as far as the eye could see.

I've heard he's been caught rubbing breasts…

You get me!

Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Roth's in the water. Our Roth.

I get that, in the early years I thought it was a cool enough idea but there are only so many shark things you can put on TV so I never watched much.

Does anyone genuinely care about shark week anymore? It feels more like a thing people say they are obsessed with and then plaster all over social media but don't really watch. I don't know, I just don't get it and I'm grumpy. Ignore me.