John Bastion

Thanks to you stirring up those memories I will be shouting this all weekend.

I mean, I've never read the books or seen the movie (nor do I intend to) but from what I gather it's what Ana uses as an inner monologue type deal. A personification of her desires or some such thing. Once again I'm no expert.

But has there been a Rapunzel/ Han Solo crossover yet? Actually…there probably is.

Also porn.

What @disqus_t4ptUt8ubM:disqus said. Although I did really enjoy Fringe for the two seasons I watched it…I should finish it at some point.


Typical conservative Holy-weird trying to shove religion down our throats.

*sharpens knife*



I've never played Red Steel 2 (I played 1, but it was so long ago my only memory is being in an elevator with my sword), but I've heard good things about the controls. I agree that the game wants you to be a bit too accurate though. It's a cool idea and I like that some of the enemies are almost like puzzles where you

That was actually one of the games I was thinking of picking up with my leftover Club Nintendo points, so perfect! I've tried to play the first one but it was so easy to get lost. I've heard nothing but good things about Super Metroid though.

But that will spoil the surprise!

This is true. Both of them are on Prime streaming. I'm just finishing up my rewatch for tomorrow!

Oh my!

I'm going on a min vacation this weekend with some friends. It's going to involve drinking all day while floating down a river. I can think of worse ways to spend my time.

So excited about the Fallout 4 news!

I enjoyed Skyward Sword for the most part. I think it gets a lot of unnecessary hate for the controls (although they can be kind of annoying at times). I never did beat it though. I got to the final boss and couldn't beat it. It wasn't that I got over it, it was too hard. I tried so many damn times I had to admit

Modest Mouse - Ansel
Speedy Ortiz - Raising the Skate
Built to Spill - On the Way
Hiatus Kaiyote - Molasses
My Morning Jacket - Tropics (Erase Traces)

Now I'll never know!