
I ran into this same problem—thankfully, however, thensolutions availabke are quite simple:

Just ebay them. Be honest with yourself. Are you ever going to play them on that platform again? No?

cuphead is on steam though, so at least you have that option for this game ;)

well with the switch in particular a lot of titles are digital only.

This is indeed the case and has been the entire time. People misunderstand the program because they’ve not actually read it. You have the option of submitting your entire channel, but you also have the option of submitting individual videos. The later is almost universally the best option to take since under the

Video games, science-fiction and comic books are where it happens mostly. It’s where the whole “fake-nerd-girl” stereotype comes from.

I don’t. It’s main feature appears to be making games incompatible with the PSTV.

Definitely. I get that that’s the joke, but if you take Rick at his word, he brought down an entire intergalactic government and destroyed thousands of versions of himself and his grandson just so he could convince his daughter to get divorced from her husband (an act that will cause nothing but emotional pain to his

Apparently that was put in the show because Justin Roiland wouldn’t shut up about the stuff. It was more than a quick mention in the episode, though. It was introduced in the beginning of the episode and they had a short conversation about it being a movie tie-in, and then there was an impassioned rant about it at the

You’re crazy,

This isn’t a fangame. It’s an exe that mods Super Mario 64 to allow multiplayer and nothing else.

That fits with the mission statement of CinemaScore pretty well I think. The people who see Happy Madison movies opening night are the perfect audience for those movies, so they should get an A. Those movies may be terrible but they play to their audience.

This only makes me want to see this thing more.

They are geniuses. The ricklantis Mixup is easily the most complex 22 minutes of TV storytelling ever created.

Counterpoint: The show is pretty good.

COUNTERPOINT: Every single aspect of that episode, including a human transforming himself into a pickle and back using a secret serum, is scientifically plausible.

And did you notice how Pickle Rick hit the same bar on the xylophone yet it produced two clearly different tones? Are to believe that this is some sort of, heh heh, “magic” xylophone or something?

You touched on this, but what I’d really like to see is an option to NOT skip credits (beginning and end) since I actually enjoy watching both. Not only do they give actual credit to those who made the show possible, they often have great songs/graphics and keep you in the world of the show a while longer. Case in