The wrestlers wrecking shit in the GCPD made my night, slo mo and all. That's the kind of lunacy that could get me to like Gotham.
The wrestlers wrecking shit in the GCPD made my night, slo mo and all. That's the kind of lunacy that could get me to like Gotham.
Nygma/Cobblepot sitcom hijinks. Make it so.
That's what the White Walkers are for.
I kind of felt the same way after a Netflix watching. Other than the Warner siblings themselves and Pinky and the Brain, most of the shorts don't really hold up well for me.
This year can die in a fire. RIP good sir.
Still sounds better than season 5.
Aren't the clowns in Dumbo a take that at the salary disputes at Disney?
Weekend was canceled due to lack of interest.
True Detective, starring Arya and Sandor Clegane.
This is why I watched CSPAN, and NPR streaming after a thunderstorm knocked out my cable.
Worst case scenario, pure disdain will power RBG for decades.
'You know all those criticisms about how The Killing Joke has no respect for Barbara Gordon as an individual with her own agency? Let's double down on that by reintroducing a pairing from the DCAU that nobody liked!"
The Justice League Unlimited adaptation of "For The Man Who Has Everything".
I didn't have a childhood. I was born a full grown adult from my father's forehead.
I was at the Rifftrax MST3K Reunion on Tuesday. My random thoughts:
Rasputin's been cut from this version. This article is kind of underselling how much it takes from the 1956 movie.
I don't see Cersei as being the ultimate antagonist for the Starks. Pretty sure that'll be the White Walkers.The only Stark who still has Cersei on their radar is Arya, and I think that the King's Landing situation will explode before she can get there.
Tropical Depression Bonnie completely blew up my plans to go to the beach this weekend, so I stayed in and played Left 4 Dead for a bit. Yeti or Not is on Animal Planet tonight, I'd hate to miss it.
I'm okay with a return to Jim/Lee next season, only if Gordon has to fight some goofball named Wade for her affections.
I re-watched some episodes of House on Netflix and was reminded pretty quickly of why I gave up on the show when it was still on the air. That is one unlikable group of characters. I don't think I was supposed to root for Vogler and Tritter.