I liked this kind of thing better when it was Dysfunctional Family Circus and Garfield Without Garfield.
I liked this kind of thing better when it was Dysfunctional Family Circus and Garfield Without Garfield.
You know, between Game of Thrones coming back and just living my life, I'd kind of forgotten that this show existed.
As someone who's eaten at a Red Lobster, I think I'd rather have the death trap.
So I guess CBS has some shows they don't consider too female…
Take away my Batman fan card, but I do not care for The Killing Joke. As a potential origin story for the Joker, it's serviceable, but I can't get past how Barbara Gordon was treated in it.
I'd be content with just a filmed Assassins performance, like the Company revival had a few years back.
Avenue Q. Ragtime. The Book of Mormon. Hamilton. Assassins. A remake of Hello Dolly with the characters played by finger puppets. All of which are musicals I would rather see being filmed than Goddamned Cats.
Bought my ticket to see Lewis Black next Thursday. I'm currently reading Killers of The King, an account detailing the events after the English Civil War. Spike TV is blaring as background noise while I debate the next step I take with my Westerosi Sims.
Mostly chilling at home. My Mom came out for a week long visit and while I love her to death, extended social interaction with anyone tends to drain me. The only pop culture I really consumed this weekend was 1999's The Mummy, which remains delightfully dumb fun.
In light of the news two days ago, I'd rather see a crossover with Warner Brothers: Deadpool Kills the Hanna Barbera Universe.
Seeing Let it Go at number 9 served to remind me how utterly sick I am of that song and movie.
Yeah, this kind of crap is why I can't really get invested in this movie. The worst Mark Hamill ever did to 'get in character' for the Joker was laugh like a maniac while driving in LA traffic.
Check please!
If Targaryens were immune to fire, the Tragedy of Summerhall would have been known as The Minor Inconvenience of Summerhall and there'd be more Targaryens running around, probably.
Could have been worse. It could have been Titus Andronicus. Entire front row audiences have been lost that way.
Spider-Man vs. The Amazing Rando.
Only if it's a grim dark reboot where the rejected hosts get to test out the Punkin Chunkin machines.
I stayed home and streamed the Bruce Timm Justice League on Netflix and the cut scenes of Injustice: Gods Among Us on Youtube. Many of the same themes tackled in BvS, except executed by actual adults.
"I perceive it as him not killing directly, but if the bad guys are associated with a thing that happens to blow up, he would say that that’s not really my problem."
There was a documentary on one of the History channels tonight called How Superman Defeated the KKK. Warner Brothers, why the Hell aren't we getting THAT movie?