
Who are you reeferring to?

hmm but walkers covered in molten metal also can't bite you, so…they're useless

There's no way the Enterprise could go that fast.

He is definitely getting out in time. Old man balls swing real low…

There is something undeniably satisfying about "tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret-wearing shitgibbon".

He was actually mocked back in college by the school newspaper, which "accidentally" referred to him as Sean Sphincter. We need to repeatedly mention this incident.

Truly cool trilogy to flesh out in TV form - I am very psyched for this. Hope it doesn't suck…

Or her….wherever.

I can't think of anyone more irritating to behold than Tucker Carlson.

Look, a lot of animated movies represent truly lazy filmmaking, but this kind of criticism just sounds…needlessly angry. These movies are made to entertain children and to make money. They're going to be annoying to a large chunk of the population. Try watching Aladdin again - it's grating (still love Robin Williams

Newsflash: you people aren't children. I question whether any of you have any. My 1 year old daughter doesn't get much out of Zootopia EXCEPT the dance party ending. It's not "pandering" to entertain toddlers who can't talk yet. Lighten up, geez.

Anybody count the number of ominous loud horn blasts? Seemed kind of like a lot.

Oh yeah! So see often and often see are both correct?

He also avoided the split infinitive (see often). Impressive!

What, no Schmitts Gay?!

God, I hope I don't die being known only for a single line in a movie. I'd rather die as a complete unknown, frankly. (Mission probably accomplished!)

Freshen your drink, guvnah?

Come on, tell us how you really feel!

Why settle for one of the two nuts when you can have the Johnson?
