
please be my friend! we only have one night!!

Licking fingers off his paint? I don't get it

Here in Memphis we have a Nathan Bedford Forrest monument smack dab in the middle of Health Sciences Park (formerly NBF Park). We're having trouble getting it removed. One issue is that NBF and his wife ARE BURIED UNDER THE STATUE.

upvoted for grammar lesson

I'm actually more frightened by the comma splice in the first sentence.

Because it's in Spanish, and it's pretty good. There is a lot of Latino patriotism involved.

Anyone else besides me looking forward to this movie? :/


I feel like Chick-fil-a should have won. I hate that stupid name. Plus the food sucks. And then there's the side of bigotry.

Except it would be deserts.



Yes and there is a brief time to expose infants to different flavors before that pickiness sets in. It's called the flavor window. In fact what you eat during pregnancy can affect their "taste".…

"Why are you always in such a foul mood, Clegane?"

Yes post-2001ish Simpsons aren't referenced much (at all?). We're outing our ages here, Evil Lincoln.

I'm Gladriel made it to this pun thread.

Ketchup is fattening because it (generally) has high-fructose corn syrup in it which goes directly to fat storage because it bypasses the first regulatory step in glycolysis. Obviously.

"A third of all vegetables consumed by Americans are potatoes, and a fifth are tomatoes, with 15 percent of all tomato consumption attributed to ketchup."

No one annoys me more than Adam Levine. He's not whiny but I do have an overwhelming urge to punch him in the neck.

See also: Trump