
""At dawn, look to the East!" - Gandalf"" - Little Finger

Two Bugs' Lives? A Bug's Afterlife?

Do they all stick out like baguettes? Would you eat them individually or grind them all up? I have so many questions.

Wow, thanks for the pep talk. Geez. I'll just go kill myself now.

Well, you can never have too much bran. According to my gastroenterologist.

You guys are aging yourselves, you know.

Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish explained this while talking to Roose Bolton in the episode "High Sparrow":

I wonder if Sir Gregor gets bathroom breaks.

"Sansa and company make a stark contrast with the coups everywhere else."

The hat contains potassium benzoate!

Everybody's upset by the crappy way the law is being portrayed in this show, but let me tell you (as a surgeon) that the medical stuff / Matt's multiple injuries are sooo unbelievable. If I see one more non-sterile stitch thrown, or one more miraculously rapid-healing face gash, I'm going to throw my gun at the TV.

I super hate you

Indiana Jones' Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)

wait, minecraft is like virtual Lego, so it's better for kids than other games, isn't it?

Wow, it turns out this has been the Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Hellbound, Flesh-Eating Subhumanoid Zombified Living Dead, Part 2: In Shocking 2-D!

I'll bet that shark has a huge set of Jaws

Is it just me or is the AV Club extra snarky these days?

There's no way the Enterprise could go that fast.