
There’s a lot to this, historically.

It’s fascinating to me how the republicans manage to get so many votes time and time again. Their basic deal is “more money for the rich, make the country worse for everyone else”, and yet they get a whole bunch of “everyone elses” voting for them. It has to count among the most successful scams of all time.

Comments like this make rough days a little better.

Many people like their cars to reflect themselves.

We live in a country full of jackasses who refuse to wear masks to keep each other safe, of course there are going to be jackasses who do stuff like this on the same grounds.

A bridge will accelerate wind above and below its deck. 150' is not a lot of clearance in a small plane (for a non-stunt pilot). A quick vertical draft could have sent him into the water or the bridge deck. I agree that deck would have shrugged off a small plane, but they sure as hell would close the bridge to inspect

Screw flying, I want to ride under it on a tube with a six pack of beer being submerged behind me to keep it cold.

While we’re at it, is it illegal for me to be typing this with my penis?

That's where you and I differ.  I'll mock mock mock.

Obama: “Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t.”

Such a good point.  I never realized, until Trump, that our whole system of government is pretty much based on the honor system.

That’s the new math they’re teaching in schools these days...

I have an F1 hat I haven’t worn in years for this very reason. 

Seriously, the dude has ruined red hats. Even if it’s not in the shape of a maga hat I just assume any red hat is a maga one until proven otherwise.

I feel like being led by a white man who’s never apologized for shit—and who’s appointed white men and women who’ve also never apologized for shit—has made us apologize to each other less.”

All those extra parts and a frame that likely never saw a trail might be a NP at half his asking price. MIGHT is the key word. The missing details (how many miles/hours on the engine, maintenance records) are almost as damning as the ones he added (cool with title fraud, doesn’t really drive, won’t pass smog, got a

Yeah my small economy hatchback has more than 105 fucking HP and it weighs less than a third of what this probably does. This has to be extremely slow and a pain in the ass to drive

He probably didn’t know how to drive a manual and too stupid to be able to learn.

“How can we make this worse in every possible way?”

I see one Cube.