
I want to like these cars so much more than I actually do. When I see them now, my brain immediately thinks, “oh look, Lotus made an MR2!” And I really like both Lotuses and Mister Twos! But something about this has just always seemed off. Like this car is a clever solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist.

Yeah, after I posed that someone else said something similar, I looked and you are very much right. Apparently my memory of these prices is much like my memory of pop music: stuck in my early twenties, which is longer ago than my brain wants to acknowledge.

How incredible, that people who’ve spent years cynically using scripture as a political cudgel to get their own way and make a ton of money could be such hypocritical pieces of shit. What a completely unpredictable turn of events. I am certainly surprised by this and could never have possibly seen this coming. I am

Putting aside the actual hideousness of the Trump Administration for a moment, ignoring the kids in cages, the horrific mishandling of the pandemic, the constant racism, the constant social fuck-ups, the continual offending of our allies and kissing up to dictators, the parade of former administration and campaign

Damn. I really wanted to vote NP, because I do love this car. The design is goofy, but I’ve always loved how cartoonish it looks. The way the belt line swoops up by the rear tires, it looks like it’s getting ready to go, like a cartoon character winding up before he goes off on a high-speed run. I dunno. I’ve just

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

I agree, but I’d go a step further and say: if you’ve got good enough credit, you can put nothing down on a Tacoma and you’ll still never be underwater. I bought a 2019 new last summer, I got such a great rate—not 0% but close. Good enough that the money I’d put aside for a down payment served me better by being

Man, so much no dice. This is purely a personal thing, but go-fast trucks are really lost on me... at least something like this. For me, trucks should be resilient, able to haul shit, and be able to go anywhere in almost any terrain or weather. Like, even if I wouldn’t buy one, I think the Raptors are kinda cool,

Both Obamas’ speeches the last couple of days—and Trump’s response to them—remind me that this campaign season will likely be the densest and most consistent string of criticism Trump has ever faced. Yes, of course he’s been criticized nonstop since he entered the political fray—but now it’s a campaign where he’s the

How worried should we be? Given Trump’s track record on literally everything, what’s going to happen is that his circus troop of dipshits will make a half-assed, ham-fisted effort to do this and fail through sheer incompetence and hubris. But, along the way to their ultimate failure, they’ll fuck up a bunch of other,

Yeah, well said. These things just radiate anger and hatred and ignorance. I want no part of it. And I’ve spent the last five years going out of my way to avoid Trump supporters—I have no interest in wearing anything that’ll attract them to me.

Seriously. And even the ad doesn’t make any fucking sense. I skimmed over Rob’s summary of the asking price/offer situation originally, but just went in and actually read the ad itself... so he’s basically claiming that somebody’s already offered him $35k, but he wants to see if someone will beat that offer... so he

Oh, ok, so I bet this compensates for the hideous complications of adding a diesel engine to a vehicle already not known for reliability by this diesel providing a shit-ton of torque and a decent upgrade in HP, right?

I remain convinced that a huge chunk of this nation’s fucking problems can be traced back to the fact that we force parents to choose between caring for their children psychologically and emotionally, and being able to feed and shelter them. I can draw a straight fucking line from “paternity leave is for pussies” and

Holy shit. That’s gold, right there.

But no, seriously... I mean, you make a point, and it’s a point based in fact, but you’re talking about such infinitesimally small energy usages. I see in other comments you’ve dismissed other folks pointing out that there are millions of ways to save far more energy, and that’s fine. But... I mean, seriously, we

This comment hits me right in the feels.

Honestly, not in my experience. I find it only takes an hour or two per day to keep the watch charged. I just throw it on the charger while I’m sitting at my desk when I know I’ll be doing sedentary work for a bit. I don’t think my watch ever spends more than two hours on the charger on any given day, and I rarely

Threatening not to vote for Biden is threatening to hand a vote to Trump.

Nope, not asking for them to ignore anything. I mean first of all... I left a fucking comment on a blog. I’m not trying to set editorial policy for The Root or anyone else. I’m expressing an opinion without any expectation that anybody will do a goddamned thing about it beyond make hypothetical arguments against it,