Seriously. This requires a level of skill and can-do attitude that I need more information on.
Seriously. This requires a level of skill and can-do attitude that I need more information on.
It is pleasant to know that we’ve got an ever-expanding list of billionaire Republican donors helping put the worst people on earth into positions of power. First we had the Kochs, then Sheldon Adelson, and now the Mercers are basically propping up Milo, Richard Spencer and the alt-right. Happy days everybody!
This is CBS you’re talking about. To them the “Prove your way into heaven” trope qualifies as being impenetrable high-concept material that should be best left to cable.
I’ll have to remember “All Holidays Matter”.
I wanted to post something similar. I can understand him wanting back in, being a wrestler is literally the passion of his entire lifetime, and when something like that is suddenly, cruelly snatched away from you... I cannot even imagine how hard that is.
Twitter seems to be genuinely terrible at some of this stuff.
LW1: Yeah, that sounds 1,000% like he’s in a Poly relationship, and she’s.... a great deal less enamored about it.
Oh that is just glorious.
Well, I’m sure he stood for the anthem, so there’s no problem here.
It’s also really kind of astonishing how they’ve nearly completely annihilated the commentariat. I understand it’s the business, and 500-1000 users providing thousands of comments, no matter how good the Simpsons reference, doesn’t matter in terms of revenue, but it’s still sad to see it go.
God help us all if they go full “Pivot to Video”.
It feels like we are genuinely losing the war against misinformation sometimes. And Google/YouTube are no help on this front, they’re actually doing a world-class job of helping spread it.
Just a few weeks ago, a man walked into a house in Plano, Texas and shot and killed 8 people before getting killed by police. As Kimmel noted, events like that are literally a blip on the national radar. 8 dead in a single shooting, and we’ve become so inured that we literally treat it as just a thing that happens.
Those bits from Corden and Conan’s monologues stood out for me. That 25 years ago, the idea of a late-night comic having accrued a collection of remarks for a new mass shooting from previous ones, and the fact that we seem to be setting new records for “deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history” at a blistering speed.
Same. I pretty much only knew him from the singles, but I don’t think I’ve ever turned the station when one came on.
I was under the assumption that CPR, when done properly, breaks ribs.
This is what gets me more than anything else. Confederates killed thousands of men fighting under the (apparently) precious, holy flag of the United States, but we need to honor their monuments.
That and it’s just hard. I mean, have you seen the most recent Ben Garrison cartoon about the NFL protests?
Easy. They agree with the President that this is what the NFL should be, and anything else is pansy-ball.
I always went with that there’s nothing wrong with being a fan of something. But “fandoms”, of anything, get incredibly toxic incredibly quickly.