
This is a fairly impressive improvement. They genuinely listened, and did it better.

Honestly, of all the things in The Sims, I think I’m always most amused by their Simlish translations of hit songs. This isn’t how I ever expected to hear “Blood in the Cut”

What in tarnation

I know, in some ways, “unshaven, slovenly 30-something man with a bit of a beer belly” isn’t really a HARD look to nail, and yet the dude doing Peter Parker from ItSV absolutely NAILS it.

The total war forums were full of trolls calling it a SJW setting and predicting the games commercial failure.

Absolutely. What’s the most interesting thing that they did in the entire series? When Jeremy and Super Hans’ band went “on tour”, perhaps? A major subplot in one episode revolved around the temperature their boiler was putting out for fuck’s sake. It is incredibly difficult for American writers not only to write a

Mata may top the list, due to his helping create the Common Goal initiative, which asks players and coaches to pledge at least one percent of their salaries to a collective fund that supports football charities around the world.

Hell of a fucking night for sports, huh?

The shot, and the following celebration are the most disrespectful things I’ve ever seen on a basketball court and it’s GREAT.

Literally the coldest thing I’ve ever seen on a basketball court. And it’s the second time he’s done this now.

The main game is a slow, methodical story with interesting characters.


Eh, the dude it was based on got to turn the fame he got from it into a well-remunerated speaking tour. I’m skeptical, but this is roughly alongside the “Can you make an anti-war movie?” debate now. 

Walter was a fictional character, there was a reasonable guarantee how that would end.

This entire story feels like it’s moving into “Wolf of Wall Street” territory, where I’m beginning to wonder if we’re not just accidentally glorifying a horrible asshole now.

I know Hayward has been terrible, but the only positive I can find out of this is that Paul George is back and playing better than ever this season, so here’s hoping the outcome for Nurkic isn’t quite so awful. 

God-dammit. Just... shit.

A “bizarre collection of weird assholes” is a great description of this team.

Any experienced Football Manager player has had at least one game just like this.