Funny to see this today, when I just discovered this wonderful, absurdist burst of joy yesterday.
Funny to see this today, when I just discovered this wonderful, absurdist burst of joy yesterday.
Yeah, he’s sitting so far away from his teammates he’s literally in seating for the crowd.
That video of Rondo. Holy shit. There’s dysfunction, there’s toxic workplaces and then there’s THAT.
“Back that Azz Up” just turned 20 last week. I’m sure you’ll have an opportunity to do that very, very soon.
I shouldn’t be surprised by the revelation that Vince has never even watched an episode of NXT, but holy shit dude. You’re literally out here making decisions about shit you have next to no idea about. That explains so fucking much.
They did?
The idea of someone doing this for fun is the reason why I don’t think we’ll ever lack for volunteers for missions into space, even ones with low expectations of survivability.
He is an enormous shit that I will never stop loathing, and he is also still one of the best three CBs on earth.
I actually very nearly fell for the Alt-F4 gag a few weeks ago playing ArmA. That game has so many damn controls, and we were mid-firefight, that I was about just about to press F4 before I realized what I was about to do.
Heh, then you’d really hate the derivative I’ve seen occasionally, “Furever home”.
This is also how I feel about Friends.
Always happy for more Bob’s Burgers. I’ve thought this season has been puttering along at “okay” the majority of the time, but compared to a lot of other stuff it’s still one of the best comedies on TV.
I believe Ebbsfleeet United did something very similar in England a few years ago. It didn’t last long.
Christ, I’d forgotten about RoE. That was a rare example of a show I thought was garbage, but have liked every single major actor on it in other roles. I remain amazed it was on for as long as it was (seven seasons, just hitting the 100-episode mark).
Najeeb Najjar is a concept artist and matte painter from Yemen.
Fire “fandom” into the sun, thank you.
Two people who refuse to admit when they’re dong.
At this rate, they’re going to give each other the shaft.
It’s the Transformers Movies of Video Games. I propose we upgrade it to The Fast and the Furious Movies of Video Games.