
Nope, we gotta invent a pointless new phrase for it first.

Thank you for introducing me to this. I am not a DBZ fan, but this series is goddamn hilarious.

This is going to be very, very silly.

I feel like I vaguely remember 1D fans having a massive meltdown over a British documentary talking about that aspect of the Fandom a year or two ago.

Yes, the “Larry” shippers mentioned up thread, who believe Louis and Harry are secretly in love/in a relationship and defend their position with a zealotry that would’ve made Joan of Arc go “tone it down a little, huh?”

It’s the conviction the “Larry” shippers have that it’s real that amazes me. It’s downright zealotry with some of them.

Awesome to see Hip-Hop Family Tree winning. That’s it’s second too, I think?

I think my favorite thing I’ve heard about this movie, is that during the 30’s and 40’s, the Minions were trapped in an ice cave.

“Filthy”? sure.


Well thank God the trailer is explaining how worlds with just animal people work. Its not like the last 70 years of cartoons have helped any.

Please stop.

That is APEX dad joke right there.

Reading this, I find myself instantly reminded of M. Alice Legrow’s blog about her life as a Birthday Party Princess.

God, Chance is great. I hope he stays fucking weird.

Thank God for Handwavium, the solution to any conflict between pop culture and science. :D

The sheer commitment to human cruelty via pranks in some countries is actually kinda impressive.

I had no idea the Ring-Tailed Lemur was my spirit animal.

I've seen Five Nights at Freddy's. Chuck E. Cheese ain't gonna be any better than that after the apocalypse.

As long as you're paying him, Stan Lee will put his name on whatever you want.