
I remember owning the soundtrack. It's mostly crap, but "We Just Wanna Party With You" still holds up.

I remain an unrepentant Angry Beavers Stan. That show had some spectacular stuff in it, my favorite being the pitch-perfect superhero parody "Muscular Beaver" and his nemesis, "Baron Once-Bad-Then-Good-Then-Bad-Again-Now-Good-Again Beaver".

Yes, if Wall Street isn't Top 3, it's definitely Top 5.

The top 3 for "misaimed fandom" has to be this, Scarface and Fight Club, right?

It's SO fucking hammy. Not to mention some of the insane details, like John Travolta's family, who are all also moderately insane. The whole movie is just ridiculous in the best way.

It may genuinely be my favorite Bad Movie.

Does anything, anything encapsulate the phrase "shitty 90's techno" better and more loveably than the Mortal Kombat theme?

I always enjoy the discussion of when rappers get bodied on their own tracks; or who did the best verse on a group. For instance, if I'm listening to a song, and I hear "2 Chainz!", I immediately know I'm going to hear a great verse (See: "No Problem" by Chance the Rapper and "Ali Bomaye" by The Game).

To link us back to where our conversation started, HOLY SHIT do Big Boi, Andre and Raekwon work together perfectly on "Skew It On The Bar-B".

I almost don't even think of 3000 and Big Boi in this same context, to be honest. Outkast were, absolutely, two rappers working together, and yet I think of them not as two separate entities but as a single functioning unit, whereas Ghost and Rae are two separate people who work together insanely well.

I mean, the 90's, especially the late 90's had so many rap albums where people's eyes got WAY bigger than their actual capabilities. I think you could argue that none of the output from roughly '96 to the end of the decade really needed to go much further past 50 minutes.

As far as rapper to rapper goes, the only other pairing I'd bring up is Meth and Red.

I have no real insight to offer here, but the section about how a bunch of these bands were all kind of coloring within the same lines just reminds me of when I, in college, finally heard London Calling for the first time and got to "Death or Glory" and realized I'd heard about 500 bands basically doing covers of it.

So, I grew up one of the only black kids in a mostly white (albeit, fairly liberal) town. I was a teenager when "Triumph" happened, by which point, as you note, Wu-Tang had basically become a cultural phenomenon around the country. Since I was the "approachable" black kid at school, I have just such clear, hilarious

I'm partial to Ghostface/Raekwon back to back, personally.

I wish more songs ended with Rod Strickland references.

I feel like the Peter Principle is rampant in football. How many alleged "genius" coaches have we seen get completely exposed the second they were given real power or taken out of their comfort zone?

I wish I had 100 upvotes, because of how hilarious the phrase "next week's big ass snake episode" is, and because I know that's literally what this show will be doing.

I love Overcooked and find it immensely depressing. Not because it's not a great, fantastic fun game, but because I literally don't know enough people in my town to get a full blown 4-player game going, which is the game at its maximum fun level. :(

You must have stories.