
Yeah, if anything Confederate was going to happen in NYC, Staten Island would secede.

"Turtles are long-lived creatures that reproduce slowly, and demand for the animal pushed populations to the brink. In the places where fisherman once pulled hundreds of animals out of the river each day, numbers dwindled to nearly zero. Today many species are threatened or endangered, with harvesting prohibited or

Good user icon/comment synergy here.

Tribalism. Do not underestimate the power of Tribalism. Here's a quote from a NYT article this weekend from one of T's supporters:

That's a pretty disappointing review. I was desperately afraid that all the good jokes were in the trailer, which, admittedly, was fantastic.

America in 2017 really is amazing. It's a mix of moments of hope for the future, split with a sense of overwhelming dread for what the future holds.

That's similar to what Josh Barro argued.

Also, literally at odds with American history.

The 24/7 nature of cable news and social media definitely amplifies this.

Meanwhile, Vice put out a informative and totally horrifying report on the events in Charlottesville that underline, unfortunately, that whatever this is, this is only the beginning.

Apparently, that person is related to one of the victims of the attack.

Dinesh D'Souza will be on Fox & Friends today, shaping what I assume will become the Trump admin line on Charlottesville (I'd be shocked if he didn't RT the segment).

Bless Weird Al.

Dinesh D'Souza is doing some AMAZING twisting on this front, as he now contends that Antifa AND the Nazis BOTH represent the "Left".

The white supremacists noticed too:

This was always going to be a long-ass summer.

A nation turns its weary eyes to Kendall Jenner. Where are you and your six-packs of cool, refreshing Pepsi when we need you Kendall?

I want to call him a coward, but I don't think this is cowardice. It's who he is, plain and simple. From "many sides" to "cherish their history" after Nazis rallied around a Confederate statue.

He has David Duke telling him he needs to remember who put him in power on Twitter. It's the easiest Sister Soulja moment in the world, but he won't do it, and there's no reason to question why anymore.

Seriously. This interview was fucking delightful.