
I love Mary J. Blige, and I feel terrible saying this, but she is so much better when her life is some level of trainwreck than she is when everything's going swimmingly.

I mean, they could just Dallas it. I sincerely doubt CBS's viewers would be genuinely outraged at a lack of narrative continuity in this show.

I'd argue it wasn't the most generic, since as it didn't revolve around an established family unit.

Huh. I mean, I figured they killed off Carter, as I knew Empire started while POI was airing, so that wasn't a surprise to learn during my belated-watch, but they off Root too?

I remember reading a few reports that he seemed just profoundly Not Interested for a chunk of the final Outkast tour. Like, he's just not interested in being a rapper anymore. And that's fine with me, I wish him the best, he gave me enough fantastic music anyway.

Once you realize that, by all appearances, a major plank of Trumpism is that white people (specifically, white, heterosexual Christians) in this country have not been given a fair shake (or are actually the group most discriminated against), pretty much everything that follows makes sense.

Oh lord, Paul Rudd looks ridiculous. I am here for this.

I live in a "liberal" area, and I regularly see InfoWars stickers around.

This is the man who insisted to the BBC that Trump's non-elite bonafides were eating "cheeseburgers and pizza".

Skyfall remains one of the best-looking films I've ever seen, and Bardem turns in a great performance, but upon multiple viewings, the ending really falls flat for me.

I remember watching it one night with a bunch of friends, and staring a the screen, mouths agape for the majority of its running time. It is truly a sight to behold, and pleasantly topped Diamonds Are Forever for me, a film that genuinely seemed like that only wrote 3/4ths of the script and just winged it the rest of

I fell asleep in the theater. Only movie that's ever happened to me in.

PUBG is one of those games that I have very little interest in playing (the only FPS I enjoy right now is ArmA 3, which is funny, considering the ArmA series spawned this) but really enjoy exists and people are liking. It's not my cup of tea, but it seems like everyone's having a blast, and that's cool.

Spawn, on HBO. Aeon Flux on MTV. Hollywood's dipped it's toe in a few times, but costs + none of them having been a big-time success (plus the aforementioned cultural perception) means it's a serious uphill battle.

Sooooooo, uh………

Agreed. I thought the "Save Chloe" ending, frankly, was just tacked on to give you "multiple endings", because in terms of exposition and impact, it pales in comparison to letting her die. It felt, to me at least, that the game was signaling you towards the "Let Chloe Die" ending like… well, like a lighthouse beacon.

Every single thing I have seen about the coming XCOM 2 expansion (Shadow of Mordor-style enemies! Darkest Dungeon-style soldier traumas! Fire Emblem-style supports! A PHOTO BOOTH!) has exponentially increased by desire to play it, so after running into an infuriating game crash issue with the Long War 2 mod before, I

Consider me hoping as well. I've thought for years now that you could do a absolutely fantastic animated Shadowrun show, but that'd require someone in Hollywood to take a chance on an animated show that was not "for kids", which apparently isn't done anymore.

That section where it drops way deep into that bass-y sound may genuinely be my favorite part of their output.

The first one that comes to mind is Grover Washington, Jr.'s live version of "Mr. Magic". A near-apocalyptic sax solo. How he doesn't run out of air at several points is beyond me.