
"I'm thinking about becoming an pilot. Kind of working the perimeter of flight, being open to being in the air. Or are you better from the ground, and we are in the process of determining that."

That photo is equal parts heartbreaking and infuriating.

Roughly 80% support for Donald among Republicans. Much like Watergate, tribalism rules the day, and unless the Democrats get control of the House or/and Senate, I am skeptical that anyone will face any consequences for anything.

Yeah. Like, I think this is a totally unnecessary remake but… that's a damn good bit of casting.

I had no idea that this was the lady from the AT&T ads, but yeah, she has a following that is… uh… dedicated?

If I may steal a recurring comment:

This is very, very correct.

Mostly sweet, I'd say. Monica genuinely should've read Chandler the riot act over his massive insecurities at some point during the Vegas trip.

I remember feeling slightly icked by the eventual pairing, but the script (and, obviously, Hepburn) were just so delightful and charming I couldn't get that fussed about it.

Almost assuredly. They'll lampshade it a bit, but if they actually deconstructed the original in a serious way, they'd end up losing the audience who'd come to see it out of nostalgia.

Yup. Although I found it weirdly interesting that the show, which was arguably 21st-century "Friends" had an equally fucked-up idea of relationships as its central "One True Love" story. Because, as someone who only saw most of "Friends" well after it went off the air, I have no idea how Ross and Rachel were ever

"Tour De Pharmacy rides a fun but forgettable course of cycling and dick jokes"

Basically my feelings upon hearing this, and a sadness about not watching it more.

It was a total trainwreck, in the most wonderful way.

I am glad to see that LaVar has been returned to what is clearly his natural element.

I've never read the books, but seeing how my friends who have react to it is amazing (not in a bad way!). I don't think I know any casual Potter fans, either you don't care or haven't read it, or you're ALL THE WAY IN. And I think it's quite admirable that Rowling has created something that has had that kind of effect

Thank you.

In fairness, Game of Thrones is catching up fast.


I thought Montell's 2nd hit was "Somethin' 4 da Honeyz". I remember that getting a pretty good amount of airplay.