
I bought Out of the Park Baseball 18 earlier this week, for full price, only for the Steam Summer Sale to begin TODAY and it to be offered for 50% off. I was displeased.

Oh Christ, so much to choose from. I'll go with…

Oh man, Skee-Lo. That may be apex 90's one-hit-wonder status right there.

I've still got my hopes pinned on the "Three-Oh Walcott" millions.

I'll give the new Big Boi a spin this weekend, but I am just slightly more excited for the new Vince Staples album that just dropped, Big Fish Theory. Scuttlebutt is that he and Kendrick spend a track ("Yeah Right", I believe) just going berserk.

A huge part of this would be predicated on DMX being A.) Sober and B.) Mentally fit to do such a thing. And based on DMX's last few concerts, planning an entire tour with him attached is a level of hopefulness on par with "Maybe Lauryn Hill will show up on time tonight".

In their defense, I feel like on a long enough arc every superhero comic books eventually "sends the character into space for no goddamn reason". It's almost tradition.

I clicked for almost the exact same reason.

A thing people have noticed in a lot of places is that, as the Dems have attacked, Trump voters are doubling-down on their support for the dude, his policies and, by extension, the Republican Party. Why Dem leadership is so desperate to win these voters is beyond me though, they're not going to vote for anything that

Seriously. Silver maintained that Trump had a serious chance of winning, but a surprising amount of people seemed to treat any suggestion that this would not be Hillary's coronation but a close-run election as tacit support of Trump.

Sickle Cell, high BP, bad credit. We gotta choose two.


As someone who hasn't watched this show since seeing the first couple episodes years ago, I immediately read "Durant" and thought "he was acting in this show while playing in the NBA?"

"The best of screaming about Israel" slays me EVERY. TIME.

One could argue that one of the biggest motivating forces behind "Trumpism" as an ideology is nothing really to do with economics or foreign policy, but a general idea of "if it makes the Libtards sad, it must be good".

"This postcard claims that the rioting was instigated by “foreign, immigrant Trotzkyites [sic] married to US citizens,” adding that “a number of Negroid Jews resembling Castro are involved”"

Speaking as a GM running a Shadowrun camapaign at the moment, goodness gracious is a Tabletop RPG one of the best experiences on can have with friends, but as an adult, there is little harder than finding a way to get 4-6 people's schedules to line up for at least 3 hours of gameplay time. And God help you if you

There is such a spectacular amount of dumb, dumb shit out there.


Nah, probably a lot more close relatives of "What if there was a White Entertainment Television?"