
Oh no, I wanted the series finale to show the horribly twisted doom that Whitney/Asher are locked into once the show becomes a success, and they have to maintain a sham marriage. I would hate a second season!

a parent of an NPC the player killed in a combat encounter.

Guys, can we all just put down our pitchforks and agree that Ant-Man 3 was the worst superhero movie of a year filled with terrible superhero movies? The nadir of the MCU and possibly of the modern superhero era. I will never get those (checks runtime) TWO HOURS+ of murky CGI blobs back.

completely agree. There are far better candidates for Worst Screen Couple like “Barry Allen and Barry Allen” or “Owen Wilson’s Paintbrush and Canvas” or even “Any two CGI smudges sharing the screen during Ant-Man 3 at any given moment.”

CGI babies was the funniest movie moment of 2023. Should have been nominated for everything.

My year of flops!

Elon Musk bullshits, news at 11.

I accept that they planned it this way, I just maintain it was a bad plan. 9 episodes ratcheting up excrutiating tension through more-or-less believable human behaviour, and then jettisoning all that for the finale? It was a missed opportunity.

Please give us a Silhouette live-action version in the MCU. Sil is an extremely cool (and mostly forgotten) teen hero who uses crutches and can teleport through the Darkforce (similar to Cloak from Cloak and Dagger). Debuted with the most 90s of superhero teams, the New Warriors.

So based on this timeline, it’s likely it takes place *before* Spider-Man debuts, and yet features a villain who is clearly wearing an Evil Spider-Man costume…

i for one look forward to the Justice League horror parody where a bunch of D-list former reality stars fight a poorly animated CGI zombie Superman.

equivalent PTSD reveal

1974 is great, but 1975 is literally the best year for movies ever. Just look at it:

hostility and smug superiority

it’ll wind up distributed by one of those random Eurotrash companies that keeps pumping out Kevin Spacey movies.

non-binary lesiban

Nonsense. The problem with Origin is that it’s terrible. I saw it at release, and boy does it do a disservice to the very important work it’s adapted from. DuVernay gives us half-formed ideas and cloyingly sentimental scenes that try and fail to manipulate viewer emotions.

give us the dark and gritty Jak X reboot we’ve been, uh, clamouring for?

the final season of Succession was funnier than The Bear, and it won for “Drama”. I love both, the categories are preposterous.

There’s one thing I’d like to stretch a little bit...”