They’re the Armageddon and Deep Impact of social-caste-jumping London period-piece musicals
They’re the Armageddon and Deep Impact of social-caste-jumping London period-piece musicals
I am very confused by this part:
Gizmodo: Amazon’s business model is ruthless.
Gizmodo: Amazon’s business model is ruthless.
As long as the monkey isn’t CG then this can all work out okay.
Fuck all this nonsense. Normally deadspin is on point for these things, but it’s just wrong to showboat after scoring 5+ goals against an overwhelmingly inferior team. Run up the score? Fine, since World Cup score differentials matter. But dancing and parading about like assholes makes you look like... assholes.
Well, if copyright bullies like Nintendo didn’t lose their #(%^# over emulation websites, a lot of this stuff would still be preserved online. Look, I get that companies don’t like people playing their stuff for free. But these games are decades old!! It’s not like a ROM site is a direct competitor to the Switch.
Umm... I’m pretty sure they announced Ronan (and Malekith) would be in this movie long before they even started filming. What the hell are these guys talking about?
Not to mention that some icons would change when you attempted to delete them. Like, the character would suddenly frantically wave their arms at the player being like “don’t delete meeeee....”
wow hot take Milton Friedman.
LEGO Marvel 2 is literally one of my all-time favourite games. This looks like it could be better.
Nathan Fielder: “hold my Canadian beer.”
#kyleslander is the worst kind of slander.
baby bump. you know, sometimes they’re embarrassed about it but eventually they have to admit it.
*the Warriors are also a bunch of whiny babies so should we really be surprised by their fanbase?
On the other hand, North Philly’s finest just captained his team to a goddamn championship.
x-post this with The Root and VerySmartBrothas.
On the one hand, it’s the right play and wise use of the NBA’s timeout technical rules.
[sits here waiting for Van Gundy column]