
hahaha this writing is terrible.


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The real Crypto-Nazi is Sean Hannity.

If this episode sets up an ongoing team-up between Saint and Viktor's daughter, then it was worth it. Otherwise, fuck this stupid episode.

This was a weird, depressing, bleak, and generally awful episode. I miss old Preacher.

Mr. Garrison for running mate!

You old, she pregnant.

Dr. Phlox!

please never do this again.

I can't handle how much this movie is going to suck.


Hot take: I tried watching Dexter. I got through the first, abysmally poorly-written episode, and never tried again.

"the White House and it should be held to a higher standard than pretty much everything else."

About us: "We’re proud to carry on the tradition of people immersed in pop culture and entertainment media to a somewhat obsessive degree."

"what the hell is Freeform?" - The A.V. Club

"and not even Jesus can save you from autoimmune disorders."

"a video that was posted to the internet by TMZ".

Klein's No Logo and The Shock Doctrine, which both at their core are about Capitalism-as-Exploitation, changed my view of the world. Highly recommended.

Sittin' in the morning sun
I'll be sittin' when the evening comes
Watching the ships roll in
Then I watch them roll away again, yeah