
I love how they gave Charlie long legs to walk around with; it produces the same weird effect that Mulholland Drive did when it put The Man From Another Place in "regular-sized" prosthetics.


The Hague! Home to international intrigue and cheese.

Seems like a good time to mention "Stop Normalizing", a Chrome extension which automatically replaces all references to "alt-right" with "white supremacy". It's very effective.

This is true for pretty well all generic supermarket brands. In fact, you can visit factories where the end product (say, salted peanuts) is dispensed into two or more different chambers: one for the "brand name" version, and one/more for the generic(s).

Sorry, but "Silver Sablinova" ain't got nothing on "Blackagar Boltagon".

Werner Herzog narrates "chili dog".

well, except that it's still capped. The ruling party still needs to call the election before their four year term is up.

I read this piece of shit thanks to an A.V. Club review that gave it an "A".

"He’s simply trying to get a base acknowledgment of recognition from his audience… coasting on nostalgia so he doesn’t have to write punchlines."

For reference, "Autism Speaks" is a controversial autism "advocacy" organisation that has been pilloried for, among other things, treating autism as a disease to be eradicated.

Ron was actually pretty good in a play I saw him do a few years ago, co-starring Downton Abbey's Bates, as well as Ben Whishaw. (swoon)

Jennifer Jason Leigh!

wait, is he really a chess champ?

Your first mistake was assuming A.V. Club was made up of "Grown Adults".

When I grow up, I want to be a principal, or a caterpillar.

"no sorting"

do you have links to Deeb replies?

wtf? Kinja is atrocious, especially the way it tracks/alerts you on comments. I pretty much stopped commenting there ages ago because of that. Farewell, A.V. Commentariat :(