
Jon Bernthal is the correct answer.

'Upon being asked by his co-star how a previous scene had gone, one in which Hoffmann’s character had supposedly stayed up for three days, Hoffmann admitted that he too had not slept for 72 hours to achieve emotional verisimilitude. “My dear boy,” replied Olivier smoothly, “why don’t you just try acting?” '

"an AV club and a drama club"

so basically that episode of TOS where Kirk teams up With Kahless and Abraham Lincoln.

today I picked up a 1976 issue of Swedish MAD Magazine. Does that count?

{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Geraldo comes running

"He also noted that he thinks the new movie would qualify as Predator 3."


"Live long and prosper."
- Ron Howard, probably

he's reprising the McKenzie brothers for some charity thing soon.

Are we having fun yet?

So I guess we finally find out where Tommy blasted off to at the end of Space Cowboys.

And the chain that American Graffiti began comes full circle.

And I was certain they were going to call is 2 Jurassic 2 World.

"$$$" "¥¥¥"

Is Audrey still comatose?

that's for the Spoiler Space!

True American hero.

It's just too perfect that they've managed to combine (a) not picking a female subject with (b) specifically selecting Pablo "Casanova" Picasso.

- The A.V. Club