
It was my understanding that there would be no math.

- BuzzFeed


This seems like a vlad idea.

embattled? A.V. Club or Wikipedia? What am I missing?

no it won't.

How about The Manhattan Project, featuring other noted TV dad John Mahoney?

oh shit i think you just found the twist.

This whole article is alternative facts.*

Well at least we can be certain it wasn't the fault of the NRA, since they gave Scalise an "A+" rating.

Except for the way that, again, it was female victims, and the way that the second victim was portrayed, almost comically. This like stereotypical "office" woman, looking kind of goofy trying to run away, slaughtered off-screen. Almost played for laughs, if I didn't know better.

Then give us fucking Infinite Access or whatever they need to call it to bring back Marvel vs. DC.

I really disliked the car accident. It felt cheap and exploitative. Even though TP has never shied from violence against young people, I think Lynch went too far by just straight-up making us watch a young kid get hit by a car.

:( Still sad that TLG was a (moderate) disappointment.

quelle surprise: when the man is the supporting romantic interest, he's given more depth than 99% of female supporting characters in other movies.

Wonder Woman was so disappointing. For a supposedly feminist movie, it sure has scant strong female characters. Or, y'know, any interaction between two women after the first 10 minutes in which the island of sexy Greek ladies is dispatched.

Better to quote Macbeth.

poor Kathy Griffin

True for this series. Truman's wife and Dougie's wife are prime examples.

don't give them any ideas