
Because everybody loves prequels.

Three reasons to despise this episode:
1) Needless death of child for cheap "shock".
2) Needlessly gruesome murder scene.
3) Increasing realisation that Lynch's only conception of a female character is as (a) a shrew or (b) a murder victim.

Can anyone explain why the Chinese lap up such shitty movies? Is it just sheer force of numbers, i.e. it's a comparable percentage of their population, but clearly more ticket sales? Or is it bad taste?

Oh, say can you see
BioWare's near demise,
What space opera was great,
Now the bane of our gaming?

Oh, for Christ's sake.

except that the (sadistically evil) DUP now hold the balance of power. Anti-gay; anti-women. Fully corrupt.

He only watches it for the trenchant Truman Capote commentary.

That's like asking if Cracked has a real Title Guy, or if it's just an algorithm.

Counterpoint: American Graffiti.

holy fuck you can hyperlink in here?

If I'm not mistaken, the first gag in this trailer is an upskirt shot.


All due respect to Sam, but this video is yet another reminder of the dumbing down of television. I wish we still had someone willing to do Cavett-style interviews: intelligent, in-depth, lengthy, and not always reaching for the punchline.

Spoilers: Albert Finney did it.

and here I was hoping it would be Josh Gad.

What's Cannonball's power? I really wish there was a way I could easily find out. But it's not like I could just open any random New Mutants issue and have it announced to me.

Having seen Middleditch do some very effective (and funny) improv, in very diverse roles, it's too bad that he's starting to get typecast. Not surprising, but still.

We are not amused.

Melissa Joan Hart as Sabrina, the Teenaged Witch-That-None-of-the-Other-Cast-Members-Realises-is-a-41-Year-Old-Woman, confirmed.

We get it: toxic.