
> no product placement.

"What about that thing where clowns are showing up in towns, and spooking children? Can you find out if that's a paid situation?" - Chip Baskets

JDM is a terrible, terrible actor.

A mainstream Marvel villain would be an actual person who is Hydra-affiliated. Just using the umbrella "evil" organisation is hardly a deep dive. Where are the Struckers? Red Skull? MODOK? Viper? Zemo? Zola?

I stuck it out until this year, but god damn has this show done all its can to turn me off. From abandoning any pretence of being connected to the greater MCU, to tripling-down on Grant "Banal" Ward, it's made it impossible to watch anymore. It's legitimately bad television, worsened by the producers' unhealthy

Death to this stupid show. For all its promise to play around in the Marvel U, or to be more accurate, the MCU, its obsession with Grant Ward is just alienating. We don't care anymore! He's not an interesting character! He's certainly not been an interesting character since the last TWO times you killed him off. Give

[[Jenner proceeds to stuff Pepsi can into gun-barrel of hippie-bashing cop.]]

Who the fuck cares? A Squirrel Girl/New Warriors show is happening and I'm not dreaming. (Believe me, I checked. The hospital bill comes due tomorrow.)

Spoilers: at some point in the movie, a fighter plane goes down in a mysterious area, and the crew find a derelict ship with a strange-looking pilot. They poke around for a while until someone stumbles on a patch of spooky-looking eggs and inexplicably decides to poke one.*

I was at a Louis show shortly after Trump took office, and at the end, he asked for suggestions from the audience for topics. When I shouted "Donald Trump!" he just shook his head.

You mean the Young X-Men? Yeah that book made zero sense, especially in light of the fact that the main storyline was about Night Thrasher's time-travelling brother(!).

Squirrel Girl was the last Marvel creation of the great Steve Ditko (Spider-Man), and she's always been a deliberately joke character: a girl with the power of squirrels who has defeated every major threat in the Marvel Universe. Including Dr. Doom, Galactus, and Thanos, to name a few.

I grew up adoring New Warriors (< see avatar) and have, with minor exceptions, collected every single appearance they've ever made. Never, in a million years, could I have expected such an obscure team to make its way to the screen (live action, no less!).

You can't go wrong by working your way through the Kinski collaborations. For my money, Aguirre and Fitzcarraldo are the best, but Nosferatu, Stroszek, and Cobra Verde have their moments.

> "where this interplanetary society has been built up and is suddenly facing some new threat that players have to fend off."

I humbly suggest that the series should start off with the graphic murder of Iron Fist, kicking off an investigation led by Jessica Jones, her old pal Luke Cage, and their lawyer friend Daredevil. Ideally, IF should be killed off during the cold open, just to get it/him out of the way.

"In conclusion, New York is a land of contrast."

"replete with Fuller magic", sans Fuller? I somehow doubt it. It will, however, be full of Akiva Goldsman magic, which presumably means a hammy Will Smith and a glowing Pegasus.

Life is a better Alien movie than Alien3, Alien: Resurrection, AvP, AvP:R, Prometheus, and almost certainly Alien: Covenant.

I had the same reaction to the hanging guy — until someone pointed out it's just a workout dummy that we've seen earlier in the series. Too bad :(