
Sorry, but it's utter bullshit that after abandoning the Prime universe (holy shit) 15 years(!) ago, their one attempted return to the well is a goddamn interquel using characters from the TOS era, set essentially during the TOS era, but casting new actors and telling new stories that we've somehow never heard about

"it looks like they’re simply going to tell us to ignore"
50 years of Star Trek history, 5 TV series set in the Prime universe, 10 movies set in the Prime universe, the consideration of long-term Star Trek fans.

"this book provides important backstory on her teenage years and how she ended up wrapped in plastic."

LOL same as anti-abortion protestors. Reductio ad hitlerum for the win.

I'm a non-militant vegetarian and I think PETA does incredibly good work. As a general rule, I think all social movements require some kind of radical fringe to make a lot of noise (and occasionally look rather silly doing it), because it then opens a space for the less-wild advocates to propose a more "reasonable"

My personal favourite: "I love the poorly educated!"

WaPo has a good feature today on how rural voters who overwhelmingly supported Trump are now about to get shut out by him and his (obscenely) 1%-friendly policies.

Who's the audience for this, exactly? We have a 24/7 news cycle of this bloviating narcissist racist, why would anyone want to watch more of the same thing?


ahh that's awesome. Maybe someone will throw a Broadway show their way during the TV off-season :)

You know, I love Ruth Negga, and I love Dominic Cooper, but they really do deserve better than an ultra-violent and kinda silly superpower show. I do like Preacher, too, I just wish these too would get some meaty dramatic roles.

One word:

Anyone else notice the hanging dude in the background during the post-credits? What the hell?

That "GOTCHA" is definitely PhotoShopped.

drops supporting role in M:I 6 to take on actual (non-billed) third-wheel role in Ant-Man & The Wasp. Everything's coming up Renner!

what are we supposed to believe, that this is some kind of MAGIC xylophone?

The Hebrew title for the original was My First Dragon, so I must assume that each sequel is just the ongoing adventures of Hiccup as he keeps losing dragons and replacing them - his second, his third, etc.

ahahaha it was like 23 issues just to bring back Onslaught(!) and engage in some not-at-all-awkward corporate synergy.

I am a long-time and devoted Marvel reader, but the past few years have so thoroughly alienated me that I'm honestly not sure I can pick up any of their books anymore. The really great writing is happening in things like Saga, while in the meantime Marvel triples-down on bland EVENT™ COMICS and the dreadful Brian

"Coming up next… SHOCKING footage of a man, eating at a restaurant, with a woman who is not his wife!"