Thank God somebody finally said it. Folks east of the Mississippi River nearly jizzed themselves when New Belgium started being distributed further east. Frankly, I don't think it justifies the hype.
Thank God somebody finally said it. Folks east of the Mississippi River nearly jizzed themselves when New Belgium started being distributed further east. Frankly, I don't think it justifies the hype.
Good call. It's a little obvious Will didn't try KBA on tap. Additionally, several breweries in KY make a bourbon ale and most make a bourbon stout. I've had the KBA (from Lexington) on tap in Cincinnati and it was phenomenal.
Stephen A. Smith's "Loud-Talking Angry Black Man" act is worn out and annoying as hell.
This .gif never ceases to be if we can just get one for Texas...
It's also a noteworthy movie because it's the first and last time Kim Cattrall looked fappable.
Great point. Doctoral work, as opposed to work on a Masters, is designed to start you down the path of creating knowledge and research concepts. Classwork is secondary to research and development.
What a waste of piss...Josh Gordon would have paid top dollar for that.
I'm guessing Crean's mystery drink is beet juice from Schrute Farms.
Good to see Manziel isn't the only one in Cleveland who can make an ass out of themselves by making it rain...
Those cupcakes look soft...reminds me of LeBron's play during the Finals
I read that as Karl Hungus...might need to be more careful in the future when I speed read...
I think parents make boys go with white briefs until high school because they are trying to shield them from the inevitable embarrassment of having a boner in middle school when called to answer a question in front of the class. Parents: Protectors of Stiffy-Shame!
Duane Adams, a convenience store owner in Somerset, sees the city's station as a slap in the face that could hurt his business. "They've used the taxpayer money that I have paid them over these years to do this, to be against us," he said. "I do not see how they can't see that as socialism."
WHO DAT is the street vendor selling knock-off Nike gear version of Cincinnati's Who Dey.
+1: Forget the Mets...that comment was Amazin' missed the point entirely. It's not about race or sexuality; it's about the insufferable media hounding that will be a by-product of Michael Sam being in the NFL. Jesus, look at the way ESPN and other sports media outlets consistently rode Tim Tebow's nuts every step of his unwarranted NFL career.
Great point. I don't think many people truly realize how wall-to-wall a student athlete's schedule is.
Where's Pip from the Lone Ranger?
(Chants of "WorldStar")
Unfortunately, she received 2nd Place for "Bat Shit Crazy, Poising Mailing Citizen" following a strong showing for the fellow in Mississippi which tried to pull the same stunt a little earlier.