Does your ego purr when you stroke it?
Does your ego purr when you stroke it?
Your loss. Titanfall is stunning and smooth and XB1. However, Respawn hasn't committed to MS to make Titanfall 2 an exclusive. If you wait out for Titanfall 2 on PS4, you'll likely be waiting a while.
Deleted my FB account over seven years ago. Couldn't give to shits about social media (FB, Twitter, blah blah blah). Quite frankly, I'm more productive and have better things to do that to compare my life with other people's lives and the constant horse dung they post on social media.
Yeah, but check out that bourbon-face on Papa John. Chef Bro-yardi loves himself some of that hillbilly fuel.
What's higher; this guy's IQ or the free throw percentage for the 'Cats last night?
I keep seeing where Microsoft states that this isn't a permanent price cut, but I'm not buying that. You seriously think Microsoft will hunt down retailers and force them to raise the price back up? No way man.
You lost me at Fox News.
I see what you did there!
Freedom, no. 'Murica, yes.
I thought the WiiU was the joke? How did EA 'burn' them?
At this point, Collins & Co. would blow anybody to get 70+ wins. You Gotta Bereave!
It's a game of detail man. You want boring? Go watch golf for three hours and try not to drink arsenic or wash your eyes out with bleach.
-"Who are people we shouldn't give a shit about anymore, Alex?"
Sums up the Cubs over the past 100+ years.
Good to see somebody recommend Brother Ali. Give Junk Science a try. Two white boys from Brooklyn who rap about playing Nintendo and drinking craft beers. Excellent stuff man.
If by buggy, you mean freezing up constantly on 360 and PS3, then the answer is a resounding 'yes'.