
How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

Don’t bring that weak shit.

You’re telling me it’s the Atlanta of Canada. I got you.

“Pros and Cons” is what all publicly financed stadiums should be called.

He states the investigation is active. Either it has been ongoing, (which from my understanding it was closed) or it has been reopened.

He was the best of teens, he was the worst of teens

Regarding rising sea levels, your NY illustration shows how the city will look if sea levels rise 60 meters, not how they’ll look in sixty years. If sea levels rise 1m per year for the next sixty years, we’re all fucked, regardless of where we live.

I’m so sick and tired of you liberals endangering my children with allowing sexual deviants and predators into their bathrooms.

he’d need some sort of throwaway quip as he kills you.

I dunno about for the general public, but newspapers were in better shape pre-Internet.

“Sun’s rays don’t melt lady bones!"

Mara is a total badass, that was an amazing ride today. I hope she can finally get the recognition that she deserves, she made a big fan out of me.

By way of contrast, here’s cycling at its most just:

You know this is the Olympics, right? There are ceremonies ALL THE TIME.

During my job interview, my boss asked me if I had experience using Excel. I told him that I excelled in it and got a little chuckle out of him. I have no clue what the fuck I’m doing on Excel, but no one has noticed for 8 years.

It’s really hard to get the message the writer is sending when you don’t read more than the headline of the article.

“accelerating to 2.5G”

that or merbie mancock