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Destin’s first video on Prince Rupert’s Drop was 4 years ago, explaining exactly what you explained in the article. So when you say they “finally” know. They have known for a while. Also you should explain that why the drop in the GIF didn’t explode when you can clearly see the tail breaking. It’s because they used a

To be fair, a billionaire owner having 0.1% of his net worth invested in a company that has 1% of its assets invested in a bankrupt casino company as part of a hundred various companies it’s invested in really *shouldn’t* be a story. The story is of course that the NFL are massive hypocrites on the issue, but I think

And, uh, Robb.

Masculine of Brienne. As in, Brien of Tarth.

Ashley, this is seriously amazing work.

I don’t understand how anyone anywhere thinks this will work. I don’t get it at all.

They’ll start him at a branch office.

“What the fuck is a ‘pension’?”

In aggregate, it never works. Yes, some will beat the market each year, and a very very tiny number will beat the market for many years, but in aggregate, the fees charged by money managers causes investors to actually make less in the long run than they would have gotten simply by investing in a low-cost index fund,

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

I’m actually really disturbed by Paul Ryan’s shoes.

No kidding. I’m still trying to figure out what that kid at 3:03 was trying to do.

I don’t have anywhere else to put Kellyanne’s shitty Eagles tweets so here are a few of them:

Reporter: Can you describe how you felt when you were offered the scholarship and then when they rescinded it just two weeks before signing day?

It’s a fast food chicken place. Mainly chicken fingers. Their claim to fame is the chicken finger sandwich. It is an ok place but not nearly as good as Chick Fil A.

Nah, 93 Bonneville, forest green with gold accents.

Wright State, wrong college