
Ouch. I hope her Sinn’s Fein.

The theatre: where fans are deliberately placed to where they can potentially interfere with the play.... then get kicked out of the theatre for interfering with the play, as if the possibility of it happening never even occurred to anyone before.

Especially not Ned. He really failed to get ahead.

I almost cut my hair, it happened just the other day. It’s getting kinda long, I could have said it wasn’t in my way.

Steph Curry Is Some Kind Of Jedi Or Wizard Or Some Shit

Man, that thing was really flying.

*Sees self out*

That man was a goddamn national hero who got a bum rap for being a bad politician. Just sayin’.

Former NHLer Patrick O’Sullivan writes unflinchingly about the horrific abuse he suffered as a child, and what you—“the people in the parking lot”—can do to save the next kid.

The worst part is that for every day that goes by where a clear and plausible strategy is not established, it will be much tougher for the next Commander-in-Chief to do so.

+1 Substance trumps (er...) form

Yes. Because he’s been trying to avoid sinking tax payer dollars and more lives in yet another unwinnable ground war that the previous Republican administration started. That particular ill-conceived Middle East adventure FUCKED THE ECONOMY IN THE ASS WITH NO LUBE. Mr. Obama pulled the economy out of the tank and he’s

Anyone who wants to be president right now is crazy. This is the no-winningest of no-win situations - a populace already fatigued from 10+ years of Iraq and Afghanistan, a regional dynamic where your choices are “bad” and “worse,” the potential for one errant shoot down or drone strike to spark yet another world war,

IF you’re being detained for an offense (and also maybe depending on the rules of your state).

That is not entirely true, albeit this situation is a bit of a grey area due to the involvement of a motor vehicle. The police offer had already determined that the probable cause for the inquiry into the vehicle was baseless. At that point, unless the other has some other probable cause to believe there is illegal
