I love the leaping high-five in the background as they’re heading back to their Veganmobile.
I love the leaping high-five in the background as they’re heading back to their Veganmobile.
And this is AFTER Scott has defeated Captain America/The Human Torch simultaneously.
He looks like The Great Gazoo
I hadn’t watched last week’s episode so I watched both back-to-back last night, and it occurred to me one of the reasons why I watch this show out of obligation instead of really enjoying it. The Flash has always been one of my favorite superheroes, a noble, true superhero with god-like abilities. In the TV show, they…
Like so many recent “comedies” (thanks Judd), the ad-libbing sticks out like a sore thumb to me, and makes me wistful for the days of tighter scripting and polishing. God I sound old.
I think it’s going to be one of those situations where they will bring in billions upon billions internationally.
The same reason the Boston area made a little leprechaun named Eddie Andleman famous- they were some of the first on the scene to do dedicated sports talk, and that was enough, unfortunately for the rest of us.
Maybe a bit obvious, but I don’t care, it still gets me:
Didn’t he serve on the HMS Tiggy-Winkle?
I’m sure more experienced sci-fi wonks than I can find earlier, but the first time I remember this is Time Rider
Nice write up- I love this line in the first Stray Observation;
Francesa is SUCH a clueless blowhard that I actually enjoy him. One of my favorite memories of him is his claim that he’d been approached to be an NFL GM...
100% correct, I re-watched the premiere and all of his scenes were sitting on that couch.
Same- I mentioned it above, I don’t think I would have noticed if not for this comment section, but it’s painfully obvious something is up with him.
I never would have noticed it, but after reading someone’s comment here last week, it is super obvious. I am wondering about Jesse Martin’s health. For the 2nd episode in a row, he is only being filmed sitting down, and just seems kind of...low energy or something.
The entirety of Fury Road
She loves Bradley Cooper. He’s much better than Cats. She’s going to work with him again and again.
Glad it didn’t go any further, but I had to chime in to say I loved your response.