The Pope of Chilitown

Amen to that

Oh absolutely, I’m only talking specifically about the voice. They were both great.

The thing he got right and everyone else has gotten wrong is that Batman is who he really is, so that’s the real voice, and Bruce Wayne’s higher register is the put on. Bale and Keaton (and it sounds like Pattinson) got it backwards, and Kilmer and Clooney didn’t really bother to make them different.

You have that backwards about Michael. When the show started he was American David Brent, but as it went on there was a marked decrease in his shittiness.

Would you kindly watch this?

I hadn’t heard that one before, and I wish I hadn’t read it just now.

This is no doubt at least partially (if not mostly) informed by the amount of bullshit she endured from Dustin Hoffman during Kramer vs. Kramer.

Hope you enjoyed the ride!

I would have to imagine it’s not dissimiliar to trying to talk when you’ve been outside in the cold for a while, your mouth just doesn’t want to move normally.

I think if Peli Motto were played by anyone else but Amy Sedaris it would be horribly distracting and bad, but because it’s her the character completely cracks me up.

Glad to see this is coming back! I enjoyed the first season quite a bit and was wondering if we were going to get a second. 

Opinions vary, obvs., but I feel like when both parties are over 35 do you.

This is one of my longstanding axes to grind. Schumacher made it a little too much of a broadway show, but Kilmer is a great Bruce Wayne/pretty good Batman, Carrey’s over-the-topness is exactly right as the Riddler, Jones was severely miscast and horrible as Two Face, and Chris O’Donnell seems like a nice enough guy

I think this “wins”.

I commented above, but I’m chiming in again because it’s such a peeve of mine. It’s annoying as hell (and dangerous) anytime, but like you say, it’s so much worse if you’re on a long trip and it’s super late/early and the nimrod keeps yo-yoing back and forth. Pick a goddamn speed!

I can’t stand the inconsistent speed people. That’s what cruise control was made for!

So Starbuck = good, Dunkin = bad. Got it. “Powdered coffee”, that’s good.

It’s not even a gaggle at this point.

Thank you- There was a cheesiness to the ultra-slow chase scene that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, and I’d forgotten Robert Rodriguez is involved, but seeing his name totally jogged my memory, it was like one of the horrible CGI vehicle scenes from a Spy Kids movie.