The Pope of Chilitown

It will never, ever register to me that Christopher Reeve was only 25 when they made the first one. A testament to how great he was I guess.

No one is Margot Kidder, but I thought Adams acquitted herself well enough. All I can think with Kate Bosworth is she’s a little girl playing dress up, she is just so not Lois Lane.

Even one of the only action set pieces of this movie annoys me- Why in the world would those bank robbers take the time to have such an elaborate minigun set up when they already have a helicopter to escape with?

It’s like you squeezed my brain and re-arranged the jumble of thoughts I have about the Coens into coherent thought. And this is coming from someone who loves their remake of The Ladykillers.

I’ll buy that for a dollar.

There ain’t no party like a Liz Lemon party, ‘cause a Liz Lemon party is MANDATORY

I’m very fond of this movie, but saying that it’s better than Stepford Wives is like saying someone isn’t as bad as Hitler. What movie ISN’T better than Stepford Wives??

I still use this, when the situation warrants.

Agreed- It’s a keeper, there’s lots and lots of good in it. Kurt Russell is perfect in it. I love the drawer full of spare phones for when he angry-dials.

Hell, he doesn’t even have a dad gut as “old” Riggs in Lethal Weapon...

Let’s not forget that it, and not the original, is the reason we’ve been subjected to all the Predator v. Alien hokum over the years...

I only noticed it myself a few years ago, and I just don’t get it. Right from the get-go, one of the biggest themes of the movie is Bob’s frustation at not being able to do what he can do which is....HELP PEOPLE with his gifts.

Last time Incredibles came up, a commenter brought up what I think is the most telling point about how’s Bird’s worldview was shaped, and his movies have been much more about just his own personal experience rather than some greater statement. Tom mentions it briefly here, but Bird WAS that supremely-talented

I’m impressed with the pedestrian’s extremely nonplussed reaction to what must have been a hell of a crash. She just sort of...stops. I probably would have bumped my head on the bridge...

That has one of my absolute favorite moments when in Jim’s talking head, he says he’ll give the doc crew his entire paycheck if Michael doesn’t go to the front of the boat to do “I’m the king of the world” within the first hour.

Wow, I had never thought of it this way but you are so right- So many of those words give me that squingy feeling in my stomach, yuck.

Exactly- Very adult stuff, and very well done.

Daario Naharis, obvs.

I think because that was the first thing I saw him in, whenever I see him, I assume at some point he’ll be up to no good...

#6- Are you me? Or maybe I wrote that and sent it in in my sleep.