I’m pretty sure an Exotic Woke is a grass-type specimen. Or possibly a rock-type. Either way he needs nurturing so he can evolve to a fighting-type Woke Bae.
I’m pretty sure an Exotic Woke is a grass-type specimen. Or possibly a rock-type. Either way he needs nurturing so he can evolve to a fighting-type Woke Bae.
Reminds me of all the Joker & Harley Quinn/Shades of Grey sh*t on FB a while back. No! No you do not want those relationships! Abuse =/= Love
So let me get this straight. They go through weeks, months, and years of hard physical training in what is supposed to be the manliest of the manliest service branches - marching, sleep deprivation, hand-to-hand combat. They throw grenades, fire rocket launchers, and shoot all manner of weapons from pistols to heavy…
This is why men shouldn’t be allowed in the military.
When someone brings up PC-culture as a refutation, it’s always the final square of Asshole Bingo. His refutation points more to the fact that he’s totes okay with Affleck because he doesn’t see anything wrong with behaving like Affleck, than to whatever point he was trying to make (we’re all so mean? I dunno).
In movies produced by his brother. Obviously.
Whatever, I still live for the hot takes from the Ohio State Lantern: this just in—Michigan sucks.
It depends on your taste in music - if you’re generally into indie, you’d probably like him. He was a member of Fleet Foxes and about a hundred other bands. His primary talent is his storytelling lyrics, which have been used by everyone including Beyonce. His primary novelty is he is the living embodiment of louche.
Peed on your rug, dude.
Dude, “chinaman” is not the preferred nomenclature.
i LOVE a little jerky after sex...i think my body craves salt or something.
I don’t understand the outfit at the 8:45 mark.
I would sooner wear actual crocodiles on my feet than Crocs.
Boring White People Think Their Boring Shit Is Deep: The Millionth Movie.
The main reason for hatred I’ve seen people talk of is his continually telling other people to give money to his charities while evading paying taxes himself. Clearly he thinks he’s too good to pay back into the system that provides frivolous things like clean water and healthcare.
My theory is that he’s like Cyclopes. But instead of shooting laser beams from his eyes, he shoots shitty music into our phones.
There should be nothing normal about a guy who advocates intelligent design, conversion camps, and restricting health care.
Irishman Bono knows all about “The Troubles”.
Of course that person is using the LETS WAIT UNTEL WE HAVE THE FACTS *eyeroll*