
Racism is not just the belief that a race is beneath yours. It’s a system of oppression. Cultural appropriation is racist. And it’s one thing to think a kimono is hip, it’s another to dress up and situate yourself in a culture that is not your own. This is especially egregious now because there is a wealth of

Yellowface. Is. Racist.

Oh like wind shear?

Land... no. Calrissian?

also, you’re an asshole.

is still a convicted felon who released a bunch of information related to a variety of cover-ups, and should be treated with a the respect most whistleblowers deserver.

She was in a military detention facility, so all of her fellow inmates were, at the very least, brave enough to join the armed forces, which puts them all considerably ahead of a cowardly draft dodger like Donald “Bone Spur Somewhere” Trump.

I can’t even begin to imagine what she went through in there but it is a relief that she at least had a dependable community to turn to in what was probably the worst 6 years of her life. I can’t wait for her to get out and start getting her life back. I’m gonna go have a little cry now.

Ugh Tiffany, melania and ivanka aren’t helpless innocent women held captive. They have agency. Tiffany trades on her name.

I actually joined the party in replying to Morgan. And then, after her final takedown, sent Jo this .gif:

In used to feel the same way but ever since I realized the Brits use it with abandon, I have embraced it. Their usage is more of someone who is an idiot, rather than being so gender specific.

Agreed. She is just as conniving and unprincipled as her husband. She backed him during the election and trotted out the “locker room talk” bullshit. I am sure she thought he would be dead by now, just look at him, but boo-frickin-hoo if she signed an unfavorable prenup.

She absolutely deserved that humiliation and more. This is a woman who defends his racist, sexist, homophobic policies. She deserves that and more. Frankly, I’d be fine with a livecast of her head being shaven in a public square when this administration is finally over.

I was with you until you mentioned Star Wars 1-3. I assume you mean Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, which were great (well, fuck the Ewoks).

Do not interrupt Tom while he measures out his life in coffee spoons. #ThatBabyTeeCouldFitIntoASpoon

Go forth and like him. Anyone who tries to dictate* why you shouldn’t can fuck off. And that goes for pretty much anything** you like.

Minogue’s attorneys also described Jenner as “a secondary reality television personality,”

Do you even Prince though?

Same thing I said in your other post you sad sack of shit. Die. Die in a painful way that lasts a long time. I don’t care about being classy with your Trumpie cultist fucks any longer.Fuck you.

Somebody better come get that bitch because there are a lot of us in the greys and that shit aint cool