I came here to say the exact same thing. But you've got it covered, so I shall go about my business. (My business right now is eating tiny lemon cakes).
I came here to say the exact same thing. But you've got it covered, so I shall go about my business. (My business right now is eating tiny lemon cakes).
Genuine, heart-wrenching sadly-sads AND shuddering automatonophobia. There are no good feels here.
This is probably the wrong response; but I find myself suddenly glad it was only a shoe. Poor, sad, loopy lady.
Umm. Can I ask a muumuu question? (Because I HELLA want one) Are they soft-soft? And how sheer are they? I am super-tempted by the shortish purple one, as an alternative to say, this (curse the hipsters for driving up the price of frocks that I want!).
Jared Leto blue himself. In a taxi.
AWW! I didn't even notice. It IS lovely.
That dignitary of Bearland that Prince George is meeting is NAKED! Bears! How many times have I told you that overdressed is better than underdressed, bears? Not even a bowtie? Get your shit together Bearlandians.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Welp. Now my emotions are leaking out of my face. And I want to call my ma.
Oh Biggest Loser, when JILLIAN MICHAELS (who is a Terrible) is calling you out for being meany-mean pants, it's time to think about your choices. ALSO! Scarlett Johansson has made the wrong choice. THE WRONG CHOICE! Team Captain Poop for LIFE!
That sounds like a for-actually fun project. Good luck with it!
That IS a good list! Way back when albums used to have corporeal form (like, 10 years ago) I used to buy a Nina album every time I moved someplace new. As a way to scope out the local, beard-dude music shops.
NINA! Happy-sigh.... this was exactly what I wanted to hear at this exact second. Or any second, really. If there's ever incidental Nina playing I have to stay wherever it is until it's done.
Thanks for covering this Rebecca. Anja's death is heartbreaking. The world is poorer without her.
Is it weird how thrilled I am by the news that Kesha is doing well? Given that I'm not even really a fan? No? Good. But it might be weird how much I want to share this photo of her from last week. Maybe? I'mma risk it...
A standing OVARY-ation maybe? (Sorry. I'll... I'll see myself out)
This is the best thing I've seen all day. Would hit that.
What kind of demented contraption is this even? A Dead Rat Picker Upper? Who has the kitchen storage space for a single-use tool like that?
Ohmyglob. My face. All my emotions are falling out of my face.