The Poochy Kid

I’m excited about Fire Emblem Heroes. It will be my very first fire emblem game because I have not owned a nintendo system since the super nes. I know it won’t be as feature rich but I’m still excited.

Also the state of California is suing Donald Trump for the VERY ILLEGAL muslim ban so I think California is the one state you’d WANT to be.

Well now Snacktaku is cancelled forever, and it’s your fault.

It has a multi-touch screen, actually.

Against? Did you read the article?

Who carries their 3DS in their pocket? Don’t most put it in a bag?

Even though it’s not in the list, this one will somehow end up as one of the winning tokens:

So, would Australia have some sort of “Invading units in your territory take damage, due to the existing Australian flora and fauna”?

A quick google search of Jadwiga pulled up this portrait, so I’m assuming it’s some symbol or fashion of the time.

This shoe does seem to do a good job of summarizing my issues with Nike’s lately: The supremely hideous ones aside (that they’ve always made and demand ridiculous sums for), their general lineup recently seems to be driven by the principle of “Make it look normal from far away, but then add weird stuff to make it look

I thought the general wisdom was to say “eff off” to these people because they may just go ahead and keep asking for more once you paid, or sell the info to someone else while collecting from you.

Except the Wii U version of Zelda BOTW isn’t cancelled, as far as we know.

And yet you still can’t get a hold of and talk to a real person for customer support in a timely manner. All this growth each year and Valve acknowledging their shortcomings for years but hey yea more Dota 2 tournaments and CSGO boxes.

So i take it this bugs you or something? I swear, some gamers are way too overly sensitive. “Oh no, someone famous is poking fun at my favorite hobby. I feel so invalidated.”

It’s so crazy how those kinds of things used to get made. I mean look at it? How the Hell are you supposed to actually use the damn thing? For another fun example, remember the sword controller from Onimusha?

A finger. Dammit Capcom, what happened to you? Remember when you made a chainsaw controller, seemingly just for the hell of it? I’m not mad at you, I’m just disappointed.

They would have to find the right host if it wasn’t Conan. He’s pretty much the whole reason why it works.

The official announcement for these came through my inbox as I was writing the article: “These lovingly-crafted adaptations will remind long-time fans and introduce newcomers to what made the Blue Bomber such a popular and iconic character. Each game has been optimized for the mobile devices with adjustments to game

Ridiculous how a machine that could run Galaxy on Fire 3, in HD, at a constant 60 FPS would struggle to handle a game from 1989 and can’t even reach 30.

Fuck all touchpads, but why is that parallelomonstrosity so far off kilter / center? You can see it even worse (better) on the head on pic: