The Poochy Kid

I’ll probably catch shit for this but I feel like a better usage of time and energy should be placed at helping kids understand what fiction is. Fiction shouldn’t be for instilling morals or role models unless that was the intended goal. Mario is not a game that is trying to teach any lessons. It is for enjoyment

It seems to me like more and more people are over-complicating simple things that do not actually pose significant harm, and this man is a good example of that.

Y’know what - he has a point. I’m not letting my son play this horrible game either because it’s teaching him that saving members of the landed aristocracy is more important than bettering his society in more productive ways (like unclogging drains and toilets). It’s a conditioning tool of the bourgeois!

This guy. This guy gets it. You also say it a lot nicer than I would.

Also, my comments were not aimed at the author, but at the (IMHO) mis-guided father.

Wow, nothing makes you sound quite so pretentious as using the words “rife” and “retrograde” in the same sentence. I guess Nintendo having one of the first original female gaming protagonists, numerous games where Peach DOESN’T have to be rescued (total it up, I bet she is partying, karting, golfing, and adventuring

::reads title::

It felt like she would find it alienating and insulting.

You can play as both Peach and Toadette. When you’re Peach, she ends up saving a male Toad at the end instead.

This seems like a such a weird thing to get upset about. Browser has been kidnapping Peach since the 80s.

Alolan Mario.

Now THIS is a hockey story about violence that we can ALL get behind!

Let’s not pretend this is anything other than it is; giving people a way to steal. Glad the site was taken down, sad that the software still exists. Say what you will about the eShop licensing; a quick call will fix that issue (I have done it 3 times with my 3DS systems so far and had no issues). A Blatant tool for

“If people illegally obtain the password/PINs of a person’s bank account, you can’t criticize the banking website for facilitating theft.”

There’s a 0% chance he wasn’t completely aware what his tool would actually be used for. This is just him unconvincingly covering his own ass.

I’m just going to go out on a limb here and say, “If you create a tool that can easily be used to jimmy open a lock, don’t be surprised when folks use it to jimmy open a lock.”

...or, more appropriately, “When significant numbers of folks are using your tool to jimmy open significant numbers of locks—and are discussing

Can’t wait for Duke Nukem Forever to drop!

You forgot Yookah-Laylee! It comes out October 2016 and is gonna be amazing.

Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian are almost certainly going to get delayed again so I don’t blame you for leaving them off this list.

Jason, I really hope that you writing this piece doesn’t get any of these games delayed.