The Poochy Kid

Also, played like 50 hours of Zelda.

Friend: So what’d you do with your February?

Well if you consider this their form of backwards compatibility, Xbox didn’t have it out of the gate and I dont think the PS4 has it, outside of that horrible streaming subscription service.

It would have been cool if they had launched with some game cube (and other) VC games though.

My eyes are entirely on that coming soon section for March 3rd. :)


What the hell is wrong with that guy? He clicked “Accept” without even reading the agreement.

They could release literally every single 3rd party game on the Switch and people would still bitch that it has no 3rd party support.

Even the set up is built to get kids and adults alike to flip their shit. Did anyone else notice how the pitch of the auditory cues increased as he moved closer and closer to set up completion? The audio of the set up process was crafted to get you more and more excited as you get closer to its conclusion.

Navigating the UI on the Wii U in a nutshell:

Jason Schreier posts about Nintendo Switch, causes the console be delayed 3 months. New Release date is 6/2.

Having used it at PAX, I’d say its nowhere near as bad as people seem to think it is.

The dude looks enough like me that I freaked out for a quarter second before realizing it wasn’t my reflection on his Switch.

What is this, a video for ants?

Thank god for jim.
praise be RNGesus.

And Jim Sterling did cry tears of joy on this day.

Who’s making you watch YouTube videos?! Who?!!!

While you are following this could I interest you in a pre-order?

See this is EXACTLY what Kotaku is good for and should do more often. Actually call out GAMING related companies and businesses that conduct shady business practices at the expense of their employees and gamers alike.

Except, that would be stupid and entirely undermine my joke.