I have a toddler and I do this too, including wiping down the table with a baby wipe. I try and clean up as much as humanly possible after him (I don’t try and sweep the floor underneath, but I do pick up any big chunks he may have flung down there). We eat out with him quite a bit and I’m always hyper self…
Perfectly subtle were the signs on the window just in the forefront of the fight in the main office that said “Keep Calm and End Bullying” and “Bullying Stops Here.”
Saw a woman who counted her kids age by weeks, and took a picture next to the same set of blocks every week and posted it on Facebook detailing what happened that week. She got so much shit that it was almost famous for being so horribly annoying. I get the urge to document everything your kid does but NO ONE else…
I feel worse for his girlfriend, who got whiplashed when Russell fell on top of her.
Seriously. I’ve been obsessively checking all updates I can find on her condition. I can respect her parents wishes for privacy, but I’m as concerned as if she were my own child.
There was an older woman at my office who had exhausted all her fucks and would waddle into the bathroom every day at the same time with her book. Once, she left it in the stall and it was still there waiting for her the next day.
Rejecting Space Jam is a red flag.
My Netflix informed me two days ago that the IT Crowd will also be leaving on August 1st. 🙁
As a former classmate of Lindsey’s, I can confirm that the robot baby in high school was an optional class in 9th grade, similar to home economics, and caring for the baby was a further optional section of THAT class. Not surprised if she didn’t do it, but a little surprised that she didn’t know about it.
I realize I’m not the target for these posts currently, but could we get a few ideas for mocktails, or non-alcoholic versions of these drinks? They look amazing, but at 8 months pregnant all I can do is salivate over it. 😔
This is how Billy Eichner keeps getting work.
This is a brilliant description. He looks like he powders his carrot face with foot file shavings.
So jealous! When you work up the courage, can you tell him I love him too?
I’m legitimately surprised that no one else had brought this up when I typed it.
Richard Kind is a national treasure.
Amy Schumer did not buy that woman a mattress because she let her pee in the toilet. She did so because she got runners poop and completely destroyed that bathroom, and felt bad for the person she assumed would have to clean it up. Still a wonderful gesture nonetheless.
That game scared the shit out of me as a child.
This is brilliant! Good work!