Poey Gordon

I can dance on the head of a pin as well! 

Failed my Save vs Hype and losing my shit. Feebleminded for the next 232 turns. 

5E rules according to an interview with US Gamer. 

god i hope not 

I’ll take a Mozambique over a P2020 any day 

Pretty partial to Landstalker myself. That game felt massive to me as a kid. 

I think it was more that at this point, she felt like they were “past that” kind of thing, so she was more hurt than anything else. 

oh fuck the fuck off 

Love both of those games soooooo much. What the Baldur’s Gate modding community has done for the last 20 years in keeping that series alive has been amazing, with soooooooo many amazing mods. But holy crap, I never thought we’d see a Baldur’s Gate 3. And this is the perfect studio to make it.

It’s a huge pain. If you don’t live near the stadium in St. Pete, commuting their from Tampa or Clearwater, presumably after 5 on a work day, is easily a 2+ hour trip just to get there, assuming you leave RIGHT away.

They tend to, for that reason, have much better attendance on weekends.

that baby is a giving a thumbs up, therefore, it is the boss baby, also known as the big boss baby 

This is really impressive work still looks so bad, no matter how Sonic looks. Teeth Sonic looked like a monster, but it’s not like the design of Sonic is what was holding this movie back. 

When I saw this was announced, I was kind of hoping it would include the WiiWare Contra: Rebirth, just to have it easily available again. I would say maybe for a part 2, but this is pretty much all of the Good Contra.

Still, I have to imagine these kinds of collections are making it tough for Nintendo Switch Online to

rElEaSe tHe hUmAn tEeTh sOnIC cUt

and with that, the games are free...god speed.

won’t someone please think about the reputation of the evil soulless billion dollar corporation!?

Schreier: Sure. Something I’m actually personally curious about, and this is not related, but I know that you count Peter Thiel among your [contributors]. Have you guys ever talked about what it was like to try toobliterate my company?

murky ethical area this exists in is straight BS.

i like that they said “at least for this particular vulnerability” as if someone is going to swap the cpu out and then switch it back once it’s been addressed.