
Pimps are also classified as “sex workers” and call themselves such.

It increases sex trafficking because there must be enough supply to meet demand.

It was never addressed because America is complicit...and obsessed with upholding an image of being squeaky clean. All you need to do is look at the American history books to see the fairy tales that America makes up about themselves. America leaves out the evil stuff...that it believes in. That’s why America sweeps:

No, expose them all, dead or alive.

Her five kids are 1/4 DJT. She has added five fourths more Donald Trump to our world. That will be her legacy. No amount of bourgie dollars will ever change that.

Like Kim picks out her clothes. I’m pretty sure Kanye picks out her outfits to make sure she’s always in full Yeezy sex doll - I mean, “muse” - wear. And if he’s away he probably picks her outfits out in advance.

When I was drinking daily, it wasn’t because of my family. It was because work was a hellhole from which I could not easily escape. Family stuff could be annoying, but that’s not what drove me to self-medicate.

was right there with you until the last sentence. no one has to agree with that take, but it wasn’t a hit piece in the sense that it was unfair/unethical/etc

On a related note, I feel genuinely sorry for all my friends and neighbors who feel the need to drink wine just to get through the day with their families. Like, I get it. Ha, ha. So funny that your wine box is your adult juice box.

Thanks for posting this, saved me from having to do more than type: AGREE.

Ok, so if what you say is correct, she appears to have an issue with trans folks. That’s unfortunate, and makes her a bigot. But it’s still not an answer to my question. Why was this attack during her book signing okay? Because the person insisted Rose hadn’t done anything “for” her or the trans community. However,

Thank you.

Weinstein hired private investigators, former Mossad spies, to try to get Rose on tape with statements he could use against her. . One investigator posed as a women’s issues activist and met with Rose several times..

Considering Weinstein has paid people to research and discredit his victims I think her paranoia is warranted. Doesn’t make her stance or previous comments about transwomen correct though.

I wholeheartedly agree. However problematic a communicator McGowan is on the issue of sexual assault as a whole, she isn’t a professional activist nor is she merely an ally. She is a woman who is trying to tell her story, and it’s not her responsibility to background herself or surrender her time or her voice to

This is what I don’t get either. What is she supposed to do? I’m not an activist for trans women. It’s not my place nor am I comfortable with involving myself a movement I frankly have questions about. I, sympathetic to trans women, and will use my voice to amplify their stories, but I’m not doing any more than that.

Andi Dier was trolling an obviously emotionally fragile woman. I’m not sure why Mortal Dictata and others feel the need to reward her behavior by treating her like it was some brave speaking truth to power moment. It’s just manipulative, messy, and sad.

There’s a lot of anger there and a lot of overly-emotional stream of consciousness bilge. She tends to lash out in a super reactionary way to anyone she senses is attacking her, whether they are or not. This is PTSD. This is trauma. It breaks my heart.

I haven’t gone down the rabbit hole of all that Rose McGowan has said regarding trans people. However I have one big question. Why is Rose McGowan expected to do something for trans people? It’s an honest question. Did she ever say she would? Is she making fame or money off the backs of trans people? Why is the

Hmm. There’s a lot about how McGowan is approaching this entire thing (Weinstein, her book, her show) that I would do differently. There’s a lot of anger there and a lot of overly-emotional stream of consciousness bilge. She tends to lash out in a super reactionary way to anyone she senses is attacking her, whether